sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

How to have a good dental cleaning.

There are a lot of people that make mistakes when they clean their teeth. First you have to put the right toothpaste on your brush, then you have to wash your front teeth up and down. Then you have to turn your brush and open your mouth to brush your teeth in the back. Finally you have to brush your teeth from the inside out, very carefully to avoid damage. You have to follow this process to achieve a good dental cleaning.

Independence day

It makes me feel happy but at the same time sad. This makes me happy because it was the end of the war in our country, which caused much damage to the territory and many families, with this sign all people returned to live very quietly. But also make me feel sad because with the sing agreements, human rights arrived and gave an extremely change in our country, nowadays it is difficult to punish people who create violence in our country for that human right. The firm was something that gave tranquility but also brought consequences.

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

What makes me happy?

There are three things that make me happy. The first thing that makes me happy is to play video games with my friend or my cousin, I enjoy playing video games with them because it is funny to see their faces when they lose. Also, I love to spend hours talking with my family and know some of their stories that probably happened when I wasn’t born. Finally, a really like to play soccer with my friends and lose the stress of a heavy week. Whenever I do some of these things, I have a happy day.

sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2015

Possible implementation of CICIES

I agree with the implementation of the CICIES, Because the laws can find a lot of people that are doing illegal processes in the government or in the security, for example they could clarify what happened with the millions that the Taiwanese government gave to our country and also could help to support the work of the Prosecutor and the PNC in the investigation of crimes that are unpunished. It could be good for our country because that could help us to improve the laws and the ways of our people governs in our country, finally with the result of this program the people could believe in the security organism and in the government again.

The bad effects of video games in children

The video games have bad effects in children more than good effects, for example my cousin is three years old. One day he spent a lot of hours playing video games, he began in the morning after the breakfast without stop. when the time of lunch arrived he didn’t eat because he didn’t want to stop playing he passed all the evening without eat, next he didn’t want to do his homework or do something productive like eat or spend time with his parents, he just wanted to play, finally my uncle turned off the video games console and my cousin was very anger and he started to act very violent and wanted to hit my uncle like in the video game that he was playing. To concluded I realized that video games have a strong influence in children’s behavior.